Metrònom #6

Coordinated by Cristina Moreno

Design by Steva Terrades
Contributions by Francesc Abad, Robert Atkins, Barraca, Diana Block, Daniéle Boone, Maria Lluïsa Borrás, Juan Bufilll, Eva Camps, C.D.A.A., Manel Clot, Michèle Cone, Joaquim Dols Rusiñol, Jaume Fàbrega, Carles Hac i Mor, Felipe Hernández, La Llibreria de Metrònom, Juan Maclean, Antoni Mateu, Antoni Mercader, Biel Mesquida, Glòria Picazo, Carles Santos and reu Tterrades, Steva Terrades, Fernando Valls, Enrique Vila-Matas


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This issue pays tribute to the figure of Joseph Beuys and Michèle Cone dedicates an extensive essay to public art, both in natural and urban spaces.

Contemporary Art, Magazine
Antoni Mercader reflects on Live Video Computer - Art Performance and Enrique Vila-Matas on the Duchampian ́s single machine (machine celibataire) concept and its precursors and epigones.
43 pages
Paperback, 29x41 cm
English, Catalan
Metrònom, 1st edition 1986
ISBN 9788434314382