Metrònom #5
Contributions by Damià Alou, Javier Arnaldo, Eugènia Balcells, Danièle Boone, Joann Bufill, Eva Camps, Jordi colomer, Jacques Donguy, Gallardo, Carles Hac i Mor, Lluís Juncosa, Martí, Antoni Mercader, Montesol, Annalívia Negre, Márius Palmés, Francesc petit, Roger, Aureli Roig, Jordi Saladrigas, Anna Torrents, Ignasi Ubac i Mòlist
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Antoni Mercader’s report / thoughts on Messages to the Public initiative in Times Square (NYC) opens this issue, dedicated to the field of performance in the 1980s, with an extensive analysis by Jacques Donguy and the action carried out in Metrànom by Peter van Riper, in parallel to the exhibition From the Center by Eugènia Balcells, which is presented by Carles Hac Mor.
39 pages
Paperback, 29x41 cm
Catalan, English
Metrònom, 1st edition 1986
ISBN 9788434314375
Paperback, 29x41 cm
Catalan, English
Metrònom, 1st edition 1986
ISBN 9788434314375