Metrònom #3

Coordinated by Cristina Moreno, Anna Torrents

Contributions by Francesc Abad, Carles Hac i Mor, Josep M. Joan i Rosa, Pere Noguera, Steva Terrades, Eugeni Bonet, Norberto Chaves, Manuel Duran, Pedro Garhel, Jorge García Garay, Lydia Rosenzuit, Antoni Mercader, Biel Mesquida, Gloria Moure, Joan Rabascall, Verónica Ruz, América Sánchez, Rosa Serra, Rafael Tous, Jordi Valverde.


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After five months of activities, Metrònoom published this third number of the magazine, in which is included a poetic offpriint by América Sánchez, respecting the language in which it was written.

Contemporary Art, Magazine
This publication brings together all the activities that took place at metrònom since the publication of last issue, Num. 2: starting from a series of films,"Anemic cinema" (films by various film makers of the moment) which also includes musical groups such as the Residents of Tuxeedomoon; an exhibition of"sacred" objects and"relics" by Jordi Valverde (entitled"VESTIGIARUM SACRARUM EXHIBITIO"), in combination with eight large works by Francesca Llopis:"BARCELONA TRASBALSADA, TRIPTICS"; the Argentinian architects resident in Barcelona, García Garay-Rosenzuit have exposed their"OBJECTES HEROICS", furniture designed with great pompeian influence; Iñaki Castillo exhibited"L'HOME I LA MA DEL BORN", a series of large photographs of the graffiti that appears in la Ribera neighbourhood
30 pages
Paperback, 29x41.5 cm
Catalan, English
Metrònom, 1st edition 1985
ISBN 9788434314351