Metrònom 2nd: Sacrifici

Edited by Antoni Serra

Contributions by Jordi Benito, Pep Camps, Lourdes Cirlot, Manuel Delgado, M.A. Encuentra, Jordi Gussinyer, Carles Hac Mor, Mont Marsà, Mann Meni, Biel Mesquida, Miquel Morey, J.E. Monterde, RINOS, J.L. Rodríguez, Carles Ruiz, Pere Salabert, Leopold Samsó, Steva Terrades, Jaume Xifra


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With the title Sacrifici (Sacrifice) the Tous-de Pedro Private Foundation of Contemporary Art, through the Documentation Center of Contemporary Art, began the publication of a collection of monographs in which were alternated topics of an open nature, such as the present of the time, and others dedicated exclusively to artists who developed their work in an alternative field.

Contemporary Art, Monograph
These publications sought to fill important and paradoxical gaps in the analysis and documentation of those artists who most directly contributed to the renovation of the artistic fact; a renovation with a long trajectory in Catalonia. Sacrifici (Sacrifice) introduces a series of topics apparently tangential to the artistic discourse; so that the artistic discourse, from its specificity, enters into contact, dialogue, even confrontation with other discourses, which may be not so distant, such as the philosophical, scientific, or anthropological, without any of them pretending to be an explanation, transcription or illustration of the others. The most immediate objective of this project of the Centre de Documentació d'Art Actual was to make possible the appearance of a place where these tangential discourses could meet and intertwine.
104 pages
Paperback, 29x41 cm
Catalan, English
Metrònom, 1st edition 1986
ISBN 9788434314405