1970-2018 Interviews With Med Hondo
A Cinema on the Run
Edited by M-H. Gutberlet and B. Kuster


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This publication includes seventeen interviews conducted with Med Hondo over a period of almost half a century. To read Med Hondo opens us up to many perspectives: to his work and its time-historical contexts, to his interests and obsessions, to his standpoint with regard to the intertwining of politics, economics, and culture.

Cinema / Photography, Theory / History / Criticism
The book originated in the long-term project Cours, cours, camarade, le vieux monde est derrière toi—Run, comrade, run, the old world is behind you—The Cinema of Med Hondo.
196 pages
Paperback, 14x22 cm
Archive Books, 1st edition 2021
ISBN 9783948212070