Coordinated by Anna Guarro

Contributions by Rafael Tous, Cristina Díaz, Anna Guarro, Rosa Sánchez and Alain Baumann, Miguel Angulo, José Manuel Berenguer, Federico Muelas, Víctor Franco Puntes, Chema Alvargonzález, Heather Ackroyd i Dan Harvey, Job Ramos, Peter Bosch i Simone Simons, Javier Pérez Aranda, Jean Painlevé, Sylvie Bissières


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In the last 12 years of its trajectory (1995- 2006), Metrònom’s publishing activity was reduced but the intense activity of its program has been recorded through yearbooks that have remained in history. Since 1999, each yearbook has included 1-3 DVDs with the record of sound pieces, exhibitions and performances.

Contemporary Art

+ 2 DVD

60 pages
Hardback, 14x25 cm
Catalan, Spanish, English
Metrònom, 1st edition 2004
ISBN 9788434314542