HaFI 005_Harun Farocki: Before Your Eyes - Vietnam
Commentary, Document, Material
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A hybrid attempt at coming to terms with a specific instance of amnesia amongst the West German left in the late 1970s/early 1980s, Harun Farocki’s 1982 feature film BEFORE YOUR EYES – VIETNAM combines ideas about the distant, image-guided participation in the war in Vietnam with speculations on Vietnam as a laboratory of advanced modes of capitalist production, whilst reflecting intensely on the dyad of love and work.
48 pages
Paperback, 21x29.7 cm
English, German
Harun Farocki Institut, 1st edition 2017
ISBN 9782940524679
Paperback, 21x29.7 cm
English, German
Harun Farocki Institut, 1st edition 2017
ISBN 9782940524679