8 Metaphors
(because the moving image is not a book)
Luke Fowler, Laura Gannon, Duncan Marquiss, LaureProuvost, Grace Schwindt, Sam Stevens, Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa, and Stina Wirfelt.
Edited by Isla Leaver-Yap

Mina Bancheva, Éric La Casa, Christoph Cox, Kate Davis, Lars Bang Larsen, Uriel Orlow, Dominic Paterson, Lee Patterson, Lis Rhodes, Deborah Stratman, Maija Timonen, Toshiya Tsunoda, Marina Vishmidt, Judith Williamson, Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz


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To celebrate the publication of 8 Metaphors (because the moving image is not a book), the LUX Associate Artist Programme delivers an evening of readings, screenings and performances by the book’s writers and contributors. 

Cinema / Photography, Performing Arts
8 Metaphors confronts the paradoxes and contradictions of 8 artists, who work primarily with the moving image, choosing to write, commission and edit a book that encapsulates their work. Their contributions—which include texts, interviews, scripts and scores—are a series of metaphors for the making of work, and making meaning. Taking its lead from 8 Metaphor’s publishing principle of how the moving image can be understood as a book, the launch event at the ICA will comprise readings, performances and screenings which examine how a book can be understood as an event.
212 pages
Paperback, 15.15x23 cm
Lux, 1st edition 2011
ISBN 9780956794130