Quaderns #270
Europa Europa
Essays by Philip Ursprung, Moritz Küng. Album by Bas Princen
Photographs by Maxime Delvaux, Filip Dujardin, Adrià Goula, José Hevia, Julien Hourcade, Bas Princen, Ulrich Schwarz
Photographs by Maxime Delvaux, Filip Dujardin, Adrià Goula, José Hevia, Julien Hourcade, Bas Princen, Ulrich Schwarz
In 2016, the Cultural Comittee of Barcelona of the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) commissioned Moisés Puente a series of lectures and activities that would reflect the situation of new local architecture. Another cycle was followed in 2017, which had the same purpose, but this time the spectrum was broadened to include new European architectura, This issue, number 270, of Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme brings together some of the activities covered in these two series.
148 pages
Paperback, 19x26 cm
Catalan, English
Polígrafa, 1st edition 2018
ISBN 9788434313736
Paperback, 19x26 cm
Catalan, English
Polígrafa, 1st edition 2018
ISBN 9788434313736